Sunday, August 31, 2014

Let's Read Mother's Curse Together!!

So I had a very sweet subscriber reach out to me and ask if I would be interested in reading the books that her husband had written. First of all I LOVE all my subscribers and secondly I LOVE promoting and supporting people who are following their dreams!

So I decided to of course do a virtual book club with all of you. I would love to hang out with all of you and have a glass of whine and talk about books but we can't do that, well we can virtually!!! Hahha!!

I love the idea that Oprah had when she did her book club. She would read up to certain points in a book and then discuss those sections, so I will be doing the same!

Here is a break down of what I will be doing:

Book announcement September 1st, each Sunday until September 28th I will be posting on my blog about the book and what I think so far. My thoughts and comments and I encourage you to come here and post your comments and thoughts as well!

On October 1st I will be posting another video discussing the first part of the book overall and announcing the reading of the second half. Every sunday for the month of October I will be posting about the book and then on November 2nd I will post a video talking about this book in it's entirety and what we will be reading next!!

Here is a synopsis of the book:

Heirs of Cothel Series, Book 1 Sword Woman, Princess, ... Cursed Witch Tradition holds that a mother who commits a mortal sin against the gods will be cursed with a daughter born a witch. Stephenie, the youngest princess of Cothel is just such a curse. Hostage to her mother's will while her father and older brother fight a war two countries away, Stephenie must overcome her mother's plots if she is to save her father, brother, and the many soldiers she trained with. Fearful of her mother's growing traitorous behavior, Stephenie must escape Antar Castle. But to do so, she might have to rely upon her hidden powers, risking others discovering she is a witch...a risk that would most certainly result in her death by burning. With the help of a select group of soldiers and an unexpected ally, she just might survive.

If you would like to see this book on goodreads:

Where to buy the book:

On Amazon both hard copy and ebook!

Barnes and Noble hard copy and ebook!

Thaddeus Nowak Website, which I personally thought was really neat so check that out!!

Let me know in the comments below if you guys like this idea! Let me know if you guys are going to do this with me!!


  1. Great idea. Never took the time to join a book club. I noticed I was looking forward to your YouTube videos so I'm with you.

  2. I love reading and talking about books so "I'm in". Going to download it right now. Love all your videos and this really looks like fun. Thanks for doing this.

  3. I love reading but never take time for myself, what a great way to start enjoying a great book, I downloaded it and am excited to read this as a group:)

  4. Downloaded the book, so count me in also.
